Enhanced decision-making ability based on data


Improvement in Pipeline ROI with reallocation recommendations


Time savings for the team in reporting

Improve Visibility into the Complete Marketing Funnel

The primary challenge for the team at mabl was the lack of visibility into the full marketing funnel.  Data siloed in separate systems and anonymous prospect activity at the top of the funnel made it challenging to optimize campaigns and processes.
The marketing operations team needed a solution with a comprehensive view of their marketing efforts across two GTM motions.

One is a bottoms-up PLG strategy on the commercial side of the business, and the other is a top-down sales-driven approach for the enterprise market.

The team at mabl needed visibility into the complete journey, from the initial customer engagement to closed/won. Existing tools only provided partial insights, which were inadequate to optimize marketing activity and demonstrate tangible ROI to stakeholders.

"Understanding the impact of our marketing programs and spending using RevSure's detailed analytics is a game-changer as we take a data-driven approach on all things from board meeting presentations down to executing the marketing day-to-day."

Ryan Shopp
Chief Marketing Officer

"RevSure not only simplified our analytics but transformed how we view and optimize our marketing funnel. The clarity and accessibility of the data empowers our team to make informed decisions much faster than before."

 Zane Halstead | Head of Marketing Operations.

Mabl Implements RevSure’s Full-Funnel Attribution Solution

After an exhaustive search, RevSure emerged as the chosen solution for its ability to integrate data across various platforms and provide a full-funnel attribution model. The simplicity and clarity of RevSure's interface were key factors in the decision.

It offered the marketing team, including C-suite executives, the ability to access and interpret data without extensive training. The onboarding process with RevSure was seamless, with their team taking charge of the technical configuration, allowing for a smooth transition to a data-driven marketing strategy.


After implementing RevSure, mabl experienced significant improvements across many key areas:

Enhanced Decision-Making: With RevSure, the marketing team could identify their best-performing campaigns and reallocate budgets. This newfound visibility led to more strategic investment decisions and enhanced overall marketing efficiency. The team was now able to visualize the impact and the differences in the funnel journey of each GTM motion with certainty.

Time Savings: The preparation time for critical reports, such as those for board meetings, was drastically reduced from approximately 100 hours to 40 hours, freeing up valuable time for strategic tasks.

Increased Marketing ROI: By leveraging RevSure's insights, the company witnessed a tangible improvement in its marketing ROI. Specific metrics improved, including campaign performance and conversion rates, aligning with their strategic objectives. RevSure helped mabl identify spending reallocation opportunities with potential 50% improvement in Pipeline ROI based on its reallocation recommendations.

Story-telling with Data: The team at mabl can now surface and present detailed, data-backed insights to their board and executive leadership team, showcasing the increasing efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

"Understanding the impact of our marketing programs and spending using RevSure's detailed analytics is a game-changer as we take a data-driven approach on all things from board meeting presentations down to executing the marketing day-to-day."

Ryan Shopp | Chief Marketing Officer