The Future of B2B Attribution: A Perspective for Today's Modern, Complex GTM Motion - Download Ebook →
Marketing Mix Modeling

Understand Channel Contributions to Pipeline and Booking

Not sure how your marketing channels impact pipeline and booking generation? By thoroughly analyzing your marketing investments, macroeconomics, key performance indicators, and other critical factors, RevSure helps you identify the most effective activities within your marketing mix, empowering you to optimize your strategies and maximize your marketing ROI.

RevSure's AI-Powered Marketing Mix Modeling

By integrating robust data analytics and machine learning, our Marketing Mix Modeling enables optimal spend allocation, strategic adjustments, and enhanced ROI, ensuring your marketing efforts drive maximum value. Our solution helps you visualize baseline and channel contributions to your pipeline and bookings, track overall performance, and analyze spending, campaigns, impressions, pipeline, and booking metrics.
Analyze Channel Contributions
Visualize and quantify each marketing channel's contribution to overall sales and key performance metrics. RevSure enables you to see the direct impact of your campaigns and understand how different channels contribute to the pipeline in a quarter, providing valuable insights to guide your marketing strategies.
AI-Driven Performance Optimizations
Optimize your target metrics, whether they are impressions, pipeline generated, bookings, ROI, pipeline per impression, or bookings per impression. With all your metrics at your fingertips, RevSure enables you to keep costs in check while boosting performance across all marketing channels and campaigns.
Improve Campaign Effectiveness
Determine the most effective allocation of your marketing budget across channels and refine campaigns for improved effectiveness. By analyzing historical data, RevSure helps marketing teams identify the best tactics, timing, and channels that deliver optimal results to their audience, leading to more impactful campaigns.
Visualize the Long Term Impact
The Marketing Mix Model considers both the spikes in bookings generated and the long-term impact of marketing activities. This allows marketing teams to understand the effects of events they attended six months ago or content they published last year, ensuring that strategies are aligned with long-term business goals.
Privacy Compliance and Bias-Free
RevSure's Marketing Mix Modeling is designed to help marketing teams be aggressive and forward-thinking while adhering to privacy rules. It doesn't rely on UTM codes, cookies, or identity resolution to determine channel contributions to the pipeline. The model is unbiased and comprehensively covers all channels, both online and offline.

Why Adopt RevSure Marketing Mix Modeling?

RevSure's Marketing Mix Modeling presents a data-driven approach to decision-making by leveraging statistical analysis and historical data, leading to more consistent and reliable outcomes. It helps marketing teams justify their spending with clear, actionable insights, building confidence and supporting budget maintenance or increases. Additionally, the solution fosters cross-functional collaboration, aligning efforts across sales, finance, and product teams to achieve cohesive business objectives

Your Quest for the Ultimate Marketing Mix and Optimal Strategy Ends with RevSure

Book a demo with us to see how RevSure helps track channel performance and achieve maximum ROI.
The Future of B2B Attribution: A Perspective for Today's Modern, Complex GTM Motion - Download Ebook →

Adjust your marketing mix with the
full-funnel in mind

Easily gain insight, beyond first or last touch, with built-in advanced Markov Chain modeling, so you can adjust your campaigns, channel or lead source mix to optimize your marketing results each quarter and year.

Learn Which Channels are Highest Converting through the Funnel

Understand which channels have the highest conversion rates at each stage of the funnel, from lead to closed won.

Maximize campaign ROI
Deep-Dive into each Channel

Focus on one channel to understand its composition and which demographics it’s performing the best with.

Uncover the tactics that generate pipeline
Understand the Common Paths Buyer’s Take

Craft your campaigns based on the most effective conversion paths from previous buyers, based on conversion to pipeline.

Improve marketing spend efficiency
See Lead Journey’s by Buying Stage

Map the touchpoints to buying stages for each lead, understanding which efforts resulted in the highest engagement and contribution to pipeline.

Analyze marketing attribution
Learn which channels are highest converting through the funnel

Understand which channels have the highest contribution towards conversion at each stage of the funnel.

Deep-dive into each channel

Focus on one channel to understand its composition and which demographics it’s performing the best with.

Understand the common paths buyer’s take

Craft your campaigns based on the most effective conversion paths from previous buyers, based on conversion to pipeline.

See lead journey’s by buying stage

Map the touchpoints to buying stages for each lead, understanding which efforts resulted in the highest engagement and contribution to pipeline.

Optimize the next best action

Use attribution and conversion paths to optimize the next best action for a cohort of leads, in order to increase their likelihood to continue converting.

AI lead recommendationsmarketing campaign analysis

No more random acts of marketing.

Pipeline & Revenue Predictions, Attribution and Funnel Intelligence in one place.