Understanding the priorities, challenges, and aspirations of demand generation marketers is crucial for optimizing strategies in today’s challenging landscape.
RevSure’s recent survey of SaaS demand generation and growth marketers reveals their priorities, key performance indicators (KPIs), pain points, and technology preferences.
Their responses indicate a focus on pipeline generation and the challenges of creating content to support demand generation campaigns. They also show many marketers continue to struggle with reporting and attribution necessary for a comprehensive view of campaign performance.
Here are the findings and the implications for marketers, with actionable recommendations for accelerating growth in 2024.
Finding: Pipeline Growth is Top Priority
Unsurprisingly, enhancing the pipeline remains the paramount focus for growth marketers, reflecting the ongoing quest for lead generation and revenue growth.
The top three priorities are:
1. Increase Pipeline (25%)
2. Increase Conversions (20%)
3. Increase Marketing ROI (11%)
Marketers recognize the importance of optimizing the entire funnel, emphasizing the need for strategies that convert leads into customers. A significant portion is keen on maximizing the return on investment, indicating a shift towards more data-driven decision-making.
Recommendation: Marketers should adopt a holistic approach, combining lead generation efforts with strategies to improve conversion rates. Prioritize data analytics and attribution tools to measure and enhance marketing ROI.
Finding: Increasing Pipeline Top Priority for H1 2024
Several trends emerge from marketers’ priorities for the next two quarters. First is a continuation of the overarching priority to fuel growth (Increasing Pipeline, 15%. Second is a strategic shift toward building a strong brand presence (Brand Awareness, 13%). Tied for third are a commitment to efficiency and resource allocation (Optimizing Spend, 11%) and Generating More Content (11%).
Recommendation: Balance pipeline growth with brand building, ensuring optimization of marketing spend. Leverage data analytics for informed decision-making. Don’t overlook the value of high-quality content.
Finding: Pipeline Metrics are Top KPIs
The emphasis on pipeline metrics underscores the central role of revenue generation in assessing marketing success. When asked for the metrics they’re measured on, marketers reported the top three are Pipeline (16%), MQL to Opp Conversion (11%), and Leads (9%).
The focus on converting marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) into opportunities highlights the importance of nurturing and engagement. While slightly less prioritized, the quantity and quality of leads remain critical KPIs.
Recommendation: Marketers should align strategies to meet pipeline generation goals, emphasizing both quantity and quality. Implement lead nurturing tactics to optimize MQL to opportunity conversion.
Q3: Most Important Activities and Time Allocation:
Finding: Campaign ROI is Critical
Only 10% of marketers said they use an attribution tool for comprehensive insights into campaign effectiveness. But all marketers agree with the importance of focusing on the efficiency of lead generation and directly tying campaign efforts to pipeline results.
Responses show an even split in how campaign ROI is measured between Cost Per Pipeline Created (8%), Pipeline $ Driven by Campaigns (8%), and Marketing ROI per Channel (8%).
Recommendation: Invest in advanced attribution tools to gain a nuanced understanding of campaign impact. Align budget allocations with channels delivering optimal ROI.
Finding: Almost One-Third of Marketers Don’t Know Which Campaigns Generate Pipeline
While a majority of marketers claim a good understanding of which campaigns and tactics are generating pipeline (71%), a significant minority lacks clarity. A notable portion is uncertain about their campaign effectiveness (14%) and some (14%) report that they simply don’t understand the impact of tactics.
Recommendation: For those uncertain or lacking clarity, invest in advanced analytics and attribution tools to gain a deeper understanding of campaign impact.
Finding: Full-Funnel Attribution is the Most Desired Marketing Intelligence Solution
Marketers seek comprehensive insights across the entire marketing funnel, a holistic view of the marketing and sales journey, and a nuanced attribution model. The top three wishes are insight into campaign performance from Full-Funnel Attribution (16%), End-to-End Funnel Reporting (15%), and Multi-Touch Attribution (11%).
Recommendation: For improved insight into marketing performance, implement marketing intelligence solutions that provide a comprehensive view of the customer journey.
Finding: Marketers Rely on Multiple Systems for Attribution
Marketers cobble together a variety of systems to report on campaign performance. The top three methods are Salesforce (20%), Google Analytics (18%), and Excel/Google Sheets (16%).
The use of a widely adopted CRM tool for campaign attribution, a popular analytics platform, and a manual approach for some highlights gaps in sophistication and the need for an integrated solution.
Recommendation: Integrate CRM and analytics tools to inform decisions. While Salesforce and Google Analytics are robust, consider specialized attribution tools for more nuanced insights and automation.
Finding: Attribution Tool Seen as Top Tech Solution
While a notable portion (21%) of marketers report that they’re not actively seeking new solutions, the top system for those that are is an Attribution Tool (15%), confirming the importance of advanced campaign performance measurement. Interested marketers are also considering Buyer Intent Tools (11%) for great understanding of buyer behavior.
Recommendation: Those seeking solutions should prioritize advanced attribution tools and buyer intent platforms for a comprehensive tech stack.
Finding: Leads and Content are Top Pain Points
Top marketer pain points are Getting Qualified Leads (15%), the challenge of generating pipeline and the need for enhanced targeting and Content Creation (14%), the effort of creating engaging and relevant content to feed demand generation campaigns. Marketing Attribution (12%), Increase Conversions (12%), and Lack of Predictable Pipeline (12%) were tied for third.
Recommendation: Deploy advanced lead qualification tools, automate content creation processes, and invest in robust attribution models to address these pain points.
Finding: Most Time Is Spent on Campaigns and Content
SaaS marketers report they spend the most time on Campaign Management (22%) and Content Creation (15%). The prominence of campaign management signifies the significance of strategic planning and execution, while creating engaging content remains a pivotal aspect of demand generation effectiveness.
But they also spend a significant amount of time building and managing relationships with internal teams as Stakeholder Management (11%) emerges as a key activity.
Recommendation: Efficient campaign management tools and collaborative content creation platforms can streamline processes. Prioritize stakeholder engagement for long-term brand success.
Finding: LinkedIn Top Source for Marketing Tech Info
Marketers report that LinkedIn (27%) is the dominant platform for professional networking and information about new marketing technology, while Google (17%) and Peers (17%) are tied as vital sources for tech discovery.
Recommendation: Leverage LinkedIn for networking and staying updated. Embrace a peer-learning approach and actively participate in industry conversations.
Findings: AI in Marketing is Top Topic of Interest
Respondents prioritized content topics as AI in Marketing (19%), ABM (17%), and Dark Funnel (13%). While the surge of interest in leveraging artificial intelligence for marketing is no surprise, results reveal a recognition of the effectiveness of account-based marketing and a growing curiosity about understanding hidden buyer behavior.
Recommendation: Create content that demystifies AI, emphasizes ABM best practices, and explores the concept of the dark funnel to cater to the audience's interests.
Focus on Pipeline and Attribution in 2024
The survey findings paint a vivid picture of the priorities, challenges, and aspirations of demand generation marketers in SaaS companies.
As the landscape continues to evolve, embracing data-driven strategies, advanced technologies, and collaborative approaches will be pivotal for success in this dynamic environment.
Marketers are encouraged to leverage these insights to refine their strategies, optimize resource allocation, accelerate pipeline, and stay ahead in the competitive SaaS landscape.