How Sales Pipeline Readiness helps marketing and sales achieve predictable revenue growth

Sales pipelines are the lifeline of any B2B company. Yet in the revenue intelligence landscape, there is no dedicated focus on pipeline generation. Sales Pipeline Readiness AI solutions fill this gap by providing predictive intelligence to accelerate pipeline quantity & quality.

Deepinder Singh Dhingra | Founder & CEO
September 12, 2022
min read

🚀 With AI-based predictive visibility and actionable pipeline intelligence, RevSure.AI helps you turn more Leads into Qualified Opportunities.

In today’s economic landscape, it’s mission-critical for Marketing, Sales, and RevOps teams to have a firm grasp on pipeline health.

Pipeline generation provides the ammunition that an organization’s revenue growth hinges on. And, teams must be equipped with the intelligence to pursue only the most qualified Leads and move quickly to fix leaks to create a pipeline that fuels the sales team in the next quarter and beyond. Every Lead counts.

On top of that, knowing where to invest more dollars in campaigns that are working and where to divest is key to developing a revenue strategy that withstands a downturn.

With buyers tightening their purse strings, it’s paramount that Marketing, Sales, and RevOps teams join forces to harness actionable insights that improve lead conversions and bolster pipeline generation to improve predictability.

Buyers tightening spends
Buyers tightening spends

With RevSure’s Sales Pipeline Readiness AI Solution, Marketing, Sales, and RevOps leaders get complete visibility into the revenue funnel from Leads generated through closed won Opportunities. RevSure enables revenue teams to diagnose pipeline health and turn more Leads into Qualified Opportunities before sales reps ever suffer from a pipeline problem.

In this blog, we’ll break down Sales Pipeline Readiness and how RevSure.AI can help improve pipeline health and cross-functional trust through intelligence that surfaces learnings from the entire revenue funnel.

A New Approach to Repeatable Revenue

Despite the fact that revenue generation is an interlinked process involving teams across marketing, sales, revops, and even customer success, most revenue intelligence solutions narrowly focus on one part of the journey.

The Gap in RevOps Intelligence Landscape

For example, some technology solutions focus on helping marketing leaders with top-of-the-funnel intelligence that gives information on the Visitor to Lead journey. Other solutions narrowly focus on Opportunities and beyond, helping sales leaders and post-sales teams with deal intelligence and insights to inform up-sell/cross/sell motions.

The current technology landscape available in the marketing and sales world has very few solutions that connect the dots across the entire Lead-to-Opportunity journey. It’s no wonder teams often find themselves with a siloed and fragmented approach to pipeline generation.

That’s where RevSure.AI comes in.

Breaking Down Sales Pipeline Readiness

Sales Pipeline Readiness unlocks a complete 360-degree view of your pipeline readiness so that marketing, sales, and revops leaders know where to prioritize investments to improve pipeline health. Most importantly, revenue teams like yours can capture powerful insights to understand what’s preventing efficient pipeline generation so that you can maximize the ROI of your revenue operations investments, improve sales and marketing alignment, and bolster pipeline confidence.

Get a Unified View of the Marketing Funnel & Sales Pipeline

RevSure.AI’s Unified Funnel lets RevOps teams visualize the entire lead journey from Visitor to Lead to Opportunity to close.

The Unified Funnel stitches and harmonizes data from marketing and CRM systems, creating a consolidated view of the Marketing, SDR, and Sales motions to map and translate between the world of Leads and Opportunities. With a holistic snapshot into the Lead journey, teams can gain visibility into how Leads are flowing across all revenue motions and whether they’re flowing at all.

Unified Funnel and Pipeline

Teams can get insight into the activities that convert more Leads into qualified ICP-fit Opportunities much earlier in the process. This type of intelligence, known as Pipeline Intelligence, promotes proactive decisions on where to invest marketing/sales dollars in specific stages of the Lead journey. Best of all, ops teams are no longer scrubbing the pipeline or running manual, time-intensive analysis.

With the Unified Funnel, teams can monitor Active Leads, Qualified Leads, and Opportunities across all motions. From there, detailed insights are surfaced by the funnel stage to understand how much time a Lead is spending in each stage and see how many newly created Leads are coming in daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Philip Lacor, Airbase

Lead analytics can then be used to surface trends in the Lead journey and uncover what is working in each stage of the marketing funnel and sales pipeline.

That’s where RevSure’s Lead Conversion Intelligence offers value.

Drive More Bookings with Lead Conversion Intelligence

With Lead Conversion Intelligence, Marketing and Sales teams can see how Leads are progressing through the Marketing and Sales motions, pinpoint which channels are working, see where Leads are coming in through different campaigns, and uncover which campaigns are performing best.

Lead Conversion Intelligence
Lead Conversion Intelligence

Organizations can get insight into stage-by-stage conversion trends based on historical context and behavior, as well as trends in volume, value, velocity, duration, age, and conversions. Lead Conversion intelligence equips Marketing and Sales teams with the knowledge which Visitors are turning into real Leads, MQLs, SQLs, and finally, Qualified Opportunities.

RevSure’s AI models also take into account factors such as channel, lead type, and more to help revenue leaders prioritize investments. With holistic insights, marketing and sales teams can make data-driven recommendations on where to place the budget in order to improve the quantity and quality of Opportunities to grow the overall pipeline.

A few ways Lead Conversion Intelligence can be used include:

  • Defining and choosing a specific cohort—meaning funnel stage, region, lead stage, or any other kind of filter you’d like to make with your data—to analyze its Lead to Opportunity conversion rates and velocity
  • Capturing detailed insights from the marketing funnel and sales pipeline to resolve conversion bottlenecks
  • Conducting root cause analysis across a variety of channels and lead stages to understand performance and what factors are contributing to strong new booking trends.

Tom Murtaugh, BigID
Tom Murtaugh, BigID

Get Real-Time Recommendations with Pipeline Projections

One of the tallest tasks for marketing and sales operations is to know whether there is enough pipeline for this quarter and next. Making an accurate prediction on pipeline informs strategy, so it’s important to have trustworthy insights to ensure pipeline coverage.

RevSure.AI’s Pipeline Projections provides predictive visibility into pipeline generation by quantifying the value of all leads based on past conversion trends.

Pipeline Projections from the Funnel

Pipeline Projections show the pipeline based not only on current Opportunities but also the Pipeline and Opportunity creation predictions based on what’s coming in through various channels and stages across the marketing and SDR motions.

RevSure’s AI model ingests data points such as where leads are in the funnel (TOFU, MOFU), what types of leads (MQLs, SQLs), and past trends on how these types of leads have moved through the funnel in previous quarters. Pipeline Projections provide continuous visibility into the pipeline and real-time insight into pipeline goal progression and recommendations on how to meet and exceed them.

With these aggregated insights, revenue leaders can very easily understand where the pipeline will land and whether there will be enough pipeline going into the next quarter.

By connecting both marketing and sales motions, RevSure.AI provides a powerful solution that brings holistic insights from behaviors and trends across the aisle to improve time-to-close and convert more leads into Qualified ICP-fit Opportunities.

No more random acts of marketing.

Pipeline & Revenue Predictions, Attribution and Funnel Intelligence in one place.
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